Executive positions


The ISNSCE President is responsible for organization and outreach.  The President has general administrative charge of Society affairs, presides over all meetings of the council and business meetings of the Society, and appoints or nominates representatives of the Society. Yearly meetings of the membership should be held, typically at the FNANO or DNAn meetings.  In recent years, the President has taken responsibility for the Website and for E-mails to the membership. The President serves for two calendar year.

Vice President

The ISNSCE Vice President will act in place of the President when the President is not present or is unable to discharge his or her duties. The Vice President is also a member, ex-officio, of all committees, except the Nominating Committee and the Awards Committee. The Vice President serves for two calendar year, and the Vice President shall automatically become President after two years of Vice Presidency. Thus, there will be an annual election for Vice President. The expectation is that a computationally-oriented Vice President will be succeeded by a nanotechnology-oriented Vice President, and vice versa.


The ISNSCE Secretary is responsible for taking minutes for meetings of the executive committee and preparing summaries of conference meetings (i.e. Foundations of Nanoscience and DNA Computing) for newsletters.  In addition, the Secretary keeps membership files, attends to correspondence and notices of the Society, keeps a dossier of precedents and procedures, and informs Council Members, Committee Chairs, and Meeting and Program Chairs of such precedents. The Secretary’s term of office is three years.


The ISNSCE Treasurer keeps exact records of all the finances of the Society. The Treasurer maintains a checking account, and otherwise manages the financial affairs of the Society, on behalf of the Society, subject to approval of the Council. The Treasurer sends out bills and collects the dues of the Society, pays those bills of the Society whose payment has been approved by a member who has been specifically authorized by the Council, and submits the next financial year’s budget for the approval of Council no later than October 1 of the previous year. The Treasurer’s term of office is three years. The Treasurer shall be elected in the year following the Secretary.

Chairman of the Awards Committee

The Chairman of the Awards Committee is responsible for the search for the ISNSCE Nanoprize recipient.  The Chairman also oversees the FNANO awards session (laudatio, entertaining the awardee) and FNANO student awards.